Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Duke Of Edinburgh

Dear all.

Recently a few of the boys have headed out to the desert to continue their Duke of Edinburgh Award. Miss Casey wrote the following:

Last week some of the boy boarders were involved in ‘The International Award’ Expedition, which took place in Fujeirah.  Those working towards their bronze were out for 2 days / 1 night and faced a tough challenge as the sun blazed and the route was almost identical to that undertaken by the silver and gold groups for the 1st 2 days of their longer expeditions.  After an early start from school and a 2 hr drive, groups were set off with their backbacks from the start of the route, from which point it was up to individual groups to navigate their way to the various checkpoints, suitably fed and watered before embarking on the last leg of the day, which was a gruelling hike up a mountain (and I can say that from personal experience, having walked with the groups who were bringing up the rear!)

The groups pitched their tents on the mountain tops, made suitable ‘arrangements’ for ‘basic human needs’ (!!!) – all now very proficient at digging holes and covering up!!! -  and cooked a meal using only food they’d brought with them.  The night passed – more comfortably for some than others!! – and day 2 saw all bronze groups battle with the scorching sun as they continued their hike through remote tribal villages (with camels and goats for company!) along tracks, paths and roads, finishing in the afternoon when the silver and gold groups set up camp for their 2nd night.

All boys coped admirably with what was a really challenging route and testing conditions.  Individually everyone had to manage their food, drink, sleep and clothing, whilst pulling together as a group and supporting one another through the emotional highs and lows (and there were plenty!) of what will be a memorable trip for all and hopefully a worthwhile experience, which showed just what Repton students are capable of achieving.  Everyone should be pleased and proud of what they achieved . . . bring on the next expedition!!

 Watch out for the local wildlife!

 Ruairi looking a little weary!

Pasha's group enjoying a well earned break!