Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Another busy week with Music and Table Tennis!!

This week saw a Year 10 and Year 11 music recital in the atrium of the D-Block. From the Boarding House, Matt Watson was involved with a piano duet firstly, then a solo piano piece and then finally singing with the whole ensemble.

The event was fantastic with some remarkable performances, including Matt. Here are some photos of him in action!

This afternoon there was the annual Inter House Table Tennis and several of the boys performed admirably! In fact, Sanni Chaudkhri was the overall individual champion, as predicted by Mr Cowley! Photos below!

Filip and Amir in preparation for their big moment! Reidyl joining in the photo!

Arsalan and Erfan looking thoughtful whilst scoring before they got back into the action.

Omid in action!

Amir showing a deft touch, moving so fast he is a blur!!

Shahmir losing to a Year 7 boy, comfortably!!

Eventual winner SAnni, again moving too fast for the camera!

Huchan powering away another winner!