Saturday, September 17, 2011

A brand new year!

So the new academic year has begun and with it we welcome a new set of boys to Fry House, the boarding house of Repton Dubai School. There are plenty of activities that will be happening over the course of the year, with weekend activities starting properly next Saturday.

Over the past two weekends we have been swimming in preparation for the water based activities during the year. As you can see from below, a strenous warm up was required!

Also during the summer we gained our House mascot. He is yet to be named (there will be a vote to find the best name this week) but he is already a firm favourite in House!

The House prefects have been announced. The Head of House is Omid Mojtahedi and the prefects are Asad Kamal and Abdul Gafar. These boys will have the tasks of assisting the House staff in ensuring the day to day running of Fry goes smoothly.

Outdoor football has begun again as an evening activity now that the temperatures have reduced and it is as popular as ever.

Next week there will be pictures of our new students and of the activities in full swing!